Reliability is our middle name
A rock-solid reputation
As a small, family business, Shamrock Poly delivers a very special kind of service. And we’re fiercely protective of our reputation.
We take the time to ensure we understand your needs intimately. And we see every order through to your complete satisfaction.
What’s more, our directors are hands-on and enjoy dealing with our clients directly. So if you ever have a problem, they’ll do everything possible to find a quick and effective solution.
Product consistency you can rely on
Shamrock Poly has been producing its uniquely formulated products for over 30 years. Consistent product quality is our number-one priority. It always has been.
It’s what we believe keeps our clients coming back.
We produce our film on high-end, modern extruders – and we use the most technically advanced plastic resins available.
Responsive lead times
If you have an urgent job to be fulfilled, Shamrock Poly can help.
Our clients know they can rely on us when the pressure’s on. We do our best to meet your time-frames – no matter how tight. But just as importantly, we’re always upfront about what’s realistic too.
Why not put us to the test?
Continual improvements to benefit you
At Shamrock Poly, we regularly invest in our business – and find ways to continually exceed your expectations.
We purchase additional machines to improve productivity. We upgrade equipment to uphold our high industry standards. And we continually refine our systems to improve turnaround times and best practice operations.
We also implement stringent recycling policies and invest heavily in minimising our carbon footprint. It’s an ongoing focus that we’re truly passionate about.
For top-priority treatment and product quality you can rely on contact us or call (03) 9703 1111.